Hundreds Gather To Say Farewell To Makem
Renowned Irish Singer, Storyteller Dies At Age 74
POSTED: 11:54 am EDT August 9, 2007
UPDATED: 5:42 pm EDT August 9, 2007
DOVER, N.H. -- Hundreds of mourners gathered Thursday to bid a final farewell to a man who dedicated his life to singing songs of his native land.
World-renowned singer and songwriter Tommy Makem grew up in Ireland, but after moving to the United States, he made Dover his home, and that's where he was laid to rest.
Covered in the flag of his native country Makem's casket was carried into St. Mary's Church in Dover by members of the fire department, a way to pay tribute to a man who meant so much to the community.
"All of his music really is about the happenings to him through his life, some of struggles in Ireland, the issues they had there," Capt. Dave McLean said. "I enjoyed very much, and a lot of people did, too, his music."
The legendary Irish singer, songwriter and storyteller died at the age of 74 last week after a long battle with lung cancer. He grew to international fame while performing with the Clancy Brothers and even appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show.
Mourners came from all over to remember a man who spent his life spreading songs and stories of his Irish culture.
"I grew up in Ireland listening to his music all the time,"
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