Thursday, August 2, 2007
My postal encounter with Tommy Makem
I was standing in line in the Dover Post Office last winter. About eight persons behind me was a tall man, dressed in a long coat, a winter cap pulled down. All I could see was his face – at a distance. That looks like Tommy Makem, I thought. I gave several quick side glances as I waited, and he grinned back at my recognition.I decided to wait for him in the lobby after my business at the P.O. window. As he came up to me, I extended my hand, saying I was a fan and I had seen him often on his long walks through town. I had seen two of his concerts in recent years.Tommy was a gentleman, even with a slightly overawed fan. We chatted for a few seconds, then walked outside. I watched him get into his car. It was the last I saw of a true musical legend.
Friday, August 3, 2007
A "Close Up View' of a real Gentleman
I am most fortunate to have had Tommy Makem as a neighbor for the last 15 years.So many times, my son and I were treated to a delightful baritone ditty or story while walking through the neighborhood.There was absolutely no difference in the warm, engaging 'public' persona Tommy showed on stage, and the kind neighbor who always made time to chat.Todays 'celebrities' could certainly take a lesson from Tommy's character and integrity.Tommy, we'll miss you, but your memory and music will live on forever!
Hot Evenings at he Cocheco Arts Festivals
It must have been in the mid 1990's, Tommy playing and singing "Dancing with Bears". All the little children dancing in circles, the crowd swaying back and forth and an atmosphere of pure silliness and enjoyment. My daughter was one of those little children. She is 25 now and living far away from Dover. When I told her Tommy passed away, she remembered "There's nothing on Earth Uncle Waldo won't do, so he can go waltzing ....Wa Wa Wa Walting...Waltzing with bears". I was surprised when she shed a tear. But THAT was the kind of impact Tommy Makem had on people. Creating happiness, smiles and life lasting memories. My condolences to the Makem family.Denis Riley
Friday, August 3, 2007
Tommy Makem
I attended a number of his concerts over the years especially when he was teamed with Liam Clancy and saw him at Symphony Hall in Boston when the Clancy Brothers did a reunion tour back in the 80's. He brought so much pleasure to millions of fans. If Tommy Maken had a signature song among his many, I would think it was "Four Green Fields."God Bless Him.
Loris, SC
Friday, August 3, 2007
A true gentleman
My wife had the opportunity to meet Tommy during his struggle with Cancer. She did not know who he was, during the conversation she asked what he did for work. He replied,,,well, I'm semi-retired. Then offhandedly she asked what he did before he retired. In a soft unassuming voice,He replied, "I was a folk singer", that is like asking Bruce Springsteen what has he been doing for the last 20 years and have him say. "I've been playing some music".....no pretense, no ego. A great man will be missed. Ill practice my tin whistle a bit slower tonight and pray...
Friday, August 3, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Ireland's Tommy Maken
I was in Ireland for two weeks at the end of June and I was meeting some family members of a dear friend of mine and when they heard I was from Portsmouth NH, they immediately said: "doesn't Tommy Makem live in Dover NH" - I was happily proud to say, 'yes, indeed he does and NH considers him one of our own.' He was a special and lovely man. What a sad loss for his family and legions of friends and admirers. May he rest in peace.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Rest in peace
My prayers are with Tommy's family, friends and all of us who were so fortunate to know him. God speed my good friend
Friday, August 3, 2007
Grew up in Dover, met him in Ireland
I remember seeing him in concert various times in Dover and in Rochester but it wasn't until my mom and I took a trip to Ireland in 2005 that I met Tommy Makem in person. We were visiting the Newgrange mound and I saw him walking up the path. We went over to say hi to him and tell him we were from Dover and enjoyed his music. He was so kind and funny and took a picture with us. He told us things about Newgrange mound that the tour guides didn't even know! I'll never forget meeting him in Ireland after growing up across town from where he lived.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Tommy Makem
Thank you for the great memories,the Bard of Armagh.
Friday, August 3, 2007
You will be missed
Tommy was one of a kind who had all the qualities so many never achieve. You will be missed.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Great Irishman, Great entertainer
Over many decades I have enjoyed the works of Tommy Makem and remember vividly his appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. My sons, musicians, 29 and 24 yrs of age who love traditional Irish music rekindled my interest and we saw live perfomances (in Toronto, ON) and most recently at the Irish Festival in Cleveland Ohio last summer. I was so impressed with his storytelling also. A real inspiration!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
His music will live on in our household!
My husband, Dan, knew Tommy Makem very well. Tommy always took the time to teach my husband some of his music, even though he didn't sing professionally. My husband asked Tommy if he could change the name of his song, "Gentle Annie", to "Gentle Sandy" after me and he said he was honored and hoped that I enjoy it very much! Last year, I downloaded the words to Tommy Makem's songs and made a song book for my husband. I can guarantee that Tommy's music will live on in our household!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
His music will live on in our household!
My husband, Dan, knew Tommy Makem very well. Tommy always took the time to teach my husband some of his music, even though he didn't sing professionally. My husband asked Tommy if he could change the name of his song, "Gentle Annie", to "Gentle Sandy" after me and he said he was honored and hoped that I enjoy it very much! Last year, I downloaded the words to Tommy Makem's songs and made a song book for my husband. I can guarantee that Tommy's music will live on in our household!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Tommy Makem will be missed
I was Tommy's recording engineer for many years. The news hit me hard because the last time I talked to him, he dismissed his illness, almost as a minor inconvenience. He assured me that he was feeling good. I am full of memories of working with him — some of the most memorable sessions I've ever had.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
A sad day for Irish Eyes
What a sad day to hear of the passing of our master story teller, poet, and musician. My family waits season after season to sit in the park, singing with Tommy, hoping he sings one of our favorite songs just one more time. My heart reaches out to Tommy's family, near and far, but it sings in honor and prayer to our Irish "Owen Roe" (sp??) It is now your legend we will tell as Irish music blasts with might behind us. Godspeed Tommy, we will miss you!!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
You will be missed our friend
We have lost a true friend, a talented man and Tommy you will be remembered always for your spirit, wit and the friend you were. We love you.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
You will be missed our friend
We have lost a true friend, a talented man and Tommy you will be remembered always for your spirit, wit and the friend you were. We love you.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Tommy Makem
Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers ignited my love of Irish Music more than 45 years ago; a love that has never nor will ever die. A great man has died and we are lessened accordingly.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The greatest of gentlemen and a "gentle man"
I will never forget the first time I heard Tommy Makem sing!!! I remember the hairs standing up on my arms when he hit those notes and when I listened to his voice filled with passion. I knew then that he was a man who not only sang with passion and conviction, but one who lived his life the same way. I had the opportunity to meet Tommy and speak to him on several occasions over the years and he never, ever changed. The last time I saw Tommy was at a concert at The Birchmere and when he sang "Four Green Fields" I sat and cried, again!!! Tommy, I know you will be missed not only by your loving family but by the thousands and thousands who loved you so. I know you are in a better place and singing with the angels. God speed my friend, God speed.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
A link to my dad
Tommy Makem was an Irishman in every sense of the word. He loved a good song, a good story and a captive audience for both. My dad, God be good to him, couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but he could spin a tale. Maybe they'll meet up in Heaven and share a tale or two. Tommy, the angels will rejoice while the earth weeps. Prayers for all you leave behind until you are together again. Amen.
My postal encounter with Tommy Makem
I was standing in line in the Dover Post Office last winter. About eight persons behind me was a tall man, dressed in a long coat, a winter cap pulled down. All I could see was his face – at a distance. That looks like Tommy Makem, I thought. I gave several quick side glances as I waited, and he grinned back at my recognition.I decided to wait for him in the lobby after my business at the P.O. window. As he came up to me, I extended my hand, saying I was a fan and I had seen him often on his long walks through town. I had seen two of his concerts in recent years.Tommy was a gentleman, even with a slightly overawed fan. We chatted for a few seconds, then walked outside. I watched him get into his car. It was the last I saw of a true musical legend.
Friday, August 3, 2007
A "Close Up View' of a real Gentleman
I am most fortunate to have had Tommy Makem as a neighbor for the last 15 years.So many times, my son and I were treated to a delightful baritone ditty or story while walking through the neighborhood.There was absolutely no difference in the warm, engaging 'public' persona Tommy showed on stage, and the kind neighbor who always made time to chat.Todays 'celebrities' could certainly take a lesson from Tommy's character and integrity.Tommy, we'll miss you, but your memory and music will live on forever!
Hot Evenings at he Cocheco Arts Festivals
It must have been in the mid 1990's, Tommy playing and singing "Dancing with Bears". All the little children dancing in circles, the crowd swaying back and forth and an atmosphere of pure silliness and enjoyment. My daughter was one of those little children. She is 25 now and living far away from Dover. When I told her Tommy passed away, she remembered "There's nothing on Earth Uncle Waldo won't do, so he can go waltzing ....Wa Wa Wa Walting...Waltzing with bears". I was surprised when she shed a tear. But THAT was the kind of impact Tommy Makem had on people. Creating happiness, smiles and life lasting memories. My condolences to the Makem family.Denis Riley
Friday, August 3, 2007
Tommy Makem
I attended a number of his concerts over the years especially when he was teamed with Liam Clancy and saw him at Symphony Hall in Boston when the Clancy Brothers did a reunion tour back in the 80's. He brought so much pleasure to millions of fans. If Tommy Maken had a signature song among his many, I would think it was "Four Green Fields."God Bless Him.
Loris, SC
Friday, August 3, 2007
A true gentleman
My wife had the opportunity to meet Tommy during his struggle with Cancer. She did not know who he was, during the conversation she asked what he did for work. He replied,,,well, I'm semi-retired. Then offhandedly she asked what he did before he retired. In a soft unassuming voice,He replied, "I was a folk singer", that is like asking Bruce Springsteen what has he been doing for the last 20 years and have him say. "I've been playing some music".....no pretense, no ego. A great man will be missed. Ill practice my tin whistle a bit slower tonight and pray...
Friday, August 3, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Ireland's Tommy Maken
I was in Ireland for two weeks at the end of June and I was meeting some family members of a dear friend of mine and when they heard I was from Portsmouth NH, they immediately said: "doesn't Tommy Makem live in Dover NH" - I was happily proud to say, 'yes, indeed he does and NH considers him one of our own.' He was a special and lovely man. What a sad loss for his family and legions of friends and admirers. May he rest in peace.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Rest in peace
My prayers are with Tommy's family, friends and all of us who were so fortunate to know him. God speed my good friend
Friday, August 3, 2007
Grew up in Dover, met him in Ireland
I remember seeing him in concert various times in Dover and in Rochester but it wasn't until my mom and I took a trip to Ireland in 2005 that I met Tommy Makem in person. We were visiting the Newgrange mound and I saw him walking up the path. We went over to say hi to him and tell him we were from Dover and enjoyed his music. He was so kind and funny and took a picture with us. He told us things about Newgrange mound that the tour guides didn't even know! I'll never forget meeting him in Ireland after growing up across town from where he lived.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Tommy Makem
Thank you for the great memories,the Bard of Armagh.
Friday, August 3, 2007
You will be missed
Tommy was one of a kind who had all the qualities so many never achieve. You will be missed.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Great Irishman, Great entertainer
Over many decades I have enjoyed the works of Tommy Makem and remember vividly his appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. My sons, musicians, 29 and 24 yrs of age who love traditional Irish music rekindled my interest and we saw live perfomances (in Toronto, ON) and most recently at the Irish Festival in Cleveland Ohio last summer. I was so impressed with his storytelling also. A real inspiration!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
His music will live on in our household!
My husband, Dan, knew Tommy Makem very well. Tommy always took the time to teach my husband some of his music, even though he didn't sing professionally. My husband asked Tommy if he could change the name of his song, "Gentle Annie", to "Gentle Sandy" after me and he said he was honored and hoped that I enjoy it very much! Last year, I downloaded the words to Tommy Makem's songs and made a song book for my husband. I can guarantee that Tommy's music will live on in our household!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
His music will live on in our household!
My husband, Dan, knew Tommy Makem very well. Tommy always took the time to teach my husband some of his music, even though he didn't sing professionally. My husband asked Tommy if he could change the name of his song, "Gentle Annie", to "Gentle Sandy" after me and he said he was honored and hoped that I enjoy it very much! Last year, I downloaded the words to Tommy Makem's songs and made a song book for my husband. I can guarantee that Tommy's music will live on in our household!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Tommy Makem will be missed
I was Tommy's recording engineer for many years. The news hit me hard because the last time I talked to him, he dismissed his illness, almost as a minor inconvenience. He assured me that he was feeling good. I am full of memories of working with him — some of the most memorable sessions I've ever had.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
A sad day for Irish Eyes
What a sad day to hear of the passing of our master story teller, poet, and musician. My family waits season after season to sit in the park, singing with Tommy, hoping he sings one of our favorite songs just one more time. My heart reaches out to Tommy's family, near and far, but it sings in honor and prayer to our Irish "Owen Roe" (sp??) It is now your legend we will tell as Irish music blasts with might behind us. Godspeed Tommy, we will miss you!!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
You will be missed our friend
We have lost a true friend, a talented man and Tommy you will be remembered always for your spirit, wit and the friend you were. We love you.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
You will be missed our friend
We have lost a true friend, a talented man and Tommy you will be remembered always for your spirit, wit and the friend you were. We love you.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Tommy Makem
Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers ignited my love of Irish Music more than 45 years ago; a love that has never nor will ever die. A great man has died and we are lessened accordingly.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The greatest of gentlemen and a "gentle man"
I will never forget the first time I heard Tommy Makem sing!!! I remember the hairs standing up on my arms when he hit those notes and when I listened to his voice filled with passion. I knew then that he was a man who not only sang with passion and conviction, but one who lived his life the same way. I had the opportunity to meet Tommy and speak to him on several occasions over the years and he never, ever changed. The last time I saw Tommy was at a concert at The Birchmere and when he sang "Four Green Fields" I sat and cried, again!!! Tommy, I know you will be missed not only by your loving family but by the thousands and thousands who loved you so. I know you are in a better place and singing with the angels. God speed my friend, God speed.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
A link to my dad
Tommy Makem was an Irishman in every sense of the word. He loved a good song, a good story and a captive audience for both. My dad, God be good to him, couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but he could spin a tale. Maybe they'll meet up in Heaven and share a tale or two. Tommy, the angels will rejoice while the earth weeps. Prayers for all you leave behind until you are together again. Amen.
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