Guest Book for
Tommy Makem
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August 10, 2007
Dear Tommy, I want you to know that I will miss YOU terribly. I am glad a part of you will live on through memories and music.
I am happier and richer since I got to know you. I loved all the concerts I attended and the two times I went with you on tours to Ireland. You were a real gentleman which impressed me.
Frances Mills
Frances Mills (Richmond Heights, OH)
August 10, 2007
How our family loved Tommy! Frank and I saw him countless times and often took some of our five children. Frank died 4 years ago but my daughter and I went to the wake Tuesday.What a beautiful tri-bute to a beautiful man!
Virginia K. Sullivan (Concord, NH)
August 10, 2007
You will be missed....you were the best !! Rest well !!
Anonymous (New York City)
August 10, 2007
To the Makem family, please accept our heartfelt sympathy on the loss of a father,an uncle, a teacher, and an inspiration to all who met him as well as those of us who enjoyed his music. He will be sadly missed but he will forever be remembered.
Ed and Lynn Higgins
Cape Breton
Nova Scotia
Ed Higgins (Glace Bay, NS)
August 10, 2007
My sencere condolences to Katie,Shane,Conor and Rory at this time, I witnessed first hand the respect and love you had for this great man,so I know your loss is enormus.
I will miss the long breakfast's and the many many story's that made the days go so fast.
Tommy, May God be with you.
Peter Clarke
Clarke Peter (Dublin)
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August 10, 2007
When all of my friends were into the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin, I was 14 and collecting my Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem albums. In '91 I had the pleasure of seeing Tommy perform at a Celtic Festival in Cleveland. The next morning in the hotel restaurant, the waitress behind me asked for the order of the guest. WHO could mistake that voice!!!? Rich and profound, why, you could pick that voice from a thousand-- and all he said was, "Eggs Benedict".
After breakfast we went to pay our bill and he made it to the cashier before us. I was nearly speechless, but I managed to get out "You know, I've been collecting your records since I was 14" (I was 39 at the time). He looked startled and said, "Am I THAT old, then, girl?" and we both laughed. "I thank you for your music, dear man."
He was a most gracious host in his presence -as if his "space" was his home and he was inviting you in. A lifetime was not long enough to know such a soul.
I've no doubt at all that we will meet for good craic on heaven's hills-- which look very like the Dingle Penninsula! Heaven is for the best of all reunions. Save us a seat, Tommy.
Caron Ward (Lebanon)
August 10, 2007
Our hearts go out to you, Katie and Molly, Conor,Shane and Rory and all the extended Makem family members. Yesterday's funeral service was a beautiful tribute to a great man whose presence among us will be sorely missed. Even though we are having a bloody good cry since hearing of his passing from this life to the next, we are so grateful to you for sharing your father with us, such a unique talent. You are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you all.
Beatrice Reil & family (Dover, NH)
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August 10, 2007
I'm sure you were in Heaven long before the devil knew you were dead! Godspeed and thanks for all the wonderful years of your gifts. You will be missed.
My sympathies to the Makem family...what a loss to you all.
Tricia McLaughlin (Boston, MA)
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August 10, 2007
Contact me
August 9, 2007
Our sincere sympathy to the Tommy Makem family. He will truly be missed.
Andy & Lorraine Haley (Dover, NM)
Guest Book for
Tommy Makem
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August 9, 2007
Tommy Makem and the Clancy brothers were such a part of my childhood. I was raised with their music ringing through my house while we went about our daily doings. Tommy was a part of the childhood that taught me to be proud of my irish heritage. He will truly be missed.
Jennifer C. (Rochester, NH)
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August 9, 2007
Dearest Makem,
I knew you.
I loved you.
I grieve for you.
Bridget A. Walsh (Philadelphia, PA)
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August 9, 2007
So sad to learn of Tommy's death i had the pleasure .. tho briefly meeting Tommy & Liam twice both were kindness its self BUT Tommy with his dry wit said "You back again!!!?? do you never go to church ??"I repied "NO" Tommy's retort was "Same as him(Liam) then
Davie stebbing (Bonnyrigg/Edinburgh)
August 9, 2007
Our deepest sympathy to the Makem family. Tommy was always a great part of ours and that won't change a bit. Slainte.....for all the Fennessy's in Maine, New Hampshire and Florida and beyond.
Jim Fennessy (Lewiston, ME)
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August 9, 2007
Our wish for you Tommy, is that you and Uncle Walter are "Waltzing With Bears".
Over the last 25 years we have been "Markem Groupies" and are proud of it.You gave us moments of pure joy;hearts and voices soaring and singing. What a wonderful legacy for your family and what an incredible loss for the rest of us.
Audrey and Paul Lakin (Elgin, IL)
August 9, 2007
My childhood and memories of my father will forever be linked to Tommy Makem. Though he never stepped through the door, he lived in our home. Thank you to his family for sharing him with the world.
KC Boylan (Sacramento, CA)
August 8, 2007
Let's not have a sniffle....
Let's have a bloody good cry
Kate Conley (South Portland, ME)
August 8, 2007
Dear Makem Family,
I am sorry for your loss. I too lost my husband to lung cancer, in June. He and I enjoyed all of the concerts at the Rochester Opera House. They gave us many hours of pleasure. I will miss them. May your music help in your sadness.
Fran K Rochester, NH
August 8, 2007
I will never forget the first time i met tommy....more than 20yrs ago when my parents took me to see tommy and the clancy brothers. ive been listening to his music and the makem brothers music ever since. or the time i spent getting to know all the makems during a tour in ireland. he will be missed by many. but i will keep in my mind that he is at peace with is wife and we will all see him and all our loved ones who have passed on the other side.
jill (NY)
August 8, 2007
Who but a gentle and loving soul could write Gentle Annie; who but a fierce and staunch patriot, Four Green Fields? Tommy was both gentle and fierce, always at the same time. God rest his soul.
Marie McHale Smith (Chelmsford, MA)
Guest Book for
Tommy Makem
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August 7, 2007
My heartfelt condolences to Connor and all who loved Tommy. As a daughter of an Irish mother, growing up just outside Boston, I grew up listening to Tommy as he was my Irish mothers favorite and I know she would have been one waiting at the gates of heaven to welcome him. I have no doubt the angels will be dancing to his beautiful music.
I brought his albums with me when I moved down under and have one playing as I type this.
Safe Journeys Tommy, you will be missed and your musical legacy will live on forver.
Thank you for all those wonderful memories.
Jeaneen McLeod (Marlborough, New Zealand)
August 7, 2007
My condolences to the Makem family and friends at this very sad time.
How superb The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem were! Their wonderful music will live always.
Deborah Acuff (Acworth, GA)
August 7, 2007
I am truly saddened to hear about the loss of a great man and influential singer. Truly the best ambassidor that the city of Dover could even have. You will be truly missed.
Brant Taylor (Sparks, NV)
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August 7, 2007
My condolences to the family of a great man and a great influence in my life. From the time I first heard, "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye" and "The Whistling Gypsy" on a 1962 Vanguard LP there has been no larger influence in my musical life. From his "Freedom's Sons" the 'raging fire' still burns and inspires and will continue to do so with each song sung and tune played at the Run O' the Mill here in Plymouth, MA. You will be sorely missed. Farewell.
Bill Bell (Plymouth, MA)
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August 7, 2007
I've known Mr. Maken since 1974 when Katie & I met in 4th grade. He was always "Katie's dad" to me, not Tommy Makem the entertainer. I finally got to see him perform in 2003 at the Colorado Irish Festival. That was awesome! He was a great performer and a great person. He will be missed by all.
Beth (Watters) McCane (Aurora, CO)
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August 7, 2007
You were a very special friend and neighbor. You have enriched our lives with your songs, stories and friendly chats. God bless you and your family. We will miss you - Love Jennifer and Paul
Jennifer and Paul Beecher (Kingman, AZ)
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August 7, 2007
as a 2nd generation irish-american,i grew up on the clancy bros.and tommy makem.thier music covered everything from the beauty of ireland and good craic and irelands fight for freedom.the song"four green fields"is also a mournful tome on the 4 provinces and how the "stranger" came to take them away.he was a man of peace and the world was a better place for him having lived in it.God bless him and saiorse,peace,bill maloney,hamilton,nj
bill maloney (hamilton, NJ)
August 7, 2007
Among the many artists on our roster, Tommy Makem was always a pleasure to visit, hear and speak to on the phone. There is a large empty space on our artist roster. See the memoriam to Tommy on our web site at producersinc. We enjoy a continuing relationship with Tommy's family, who keep the Makem tradition alive.
Craig Hankenson (Tampa, FL)
August 7, 2007
I have been a fan since Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers first came to Cape Breton in the early 1960's. I have been to almost every concert he has performed in Nova Scotia. I am so very sorry for his family and friends. He sang his heart out at every performance and told stories like no one else. You are in my thoughts and prayers. WHAT A "GENTLE MAN." Jo-anne Macdonald, Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia B9A 2N4
Jo-anne Macdonald (Port Hawkesbury)
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August 7, 2007
My condolences to the Makem Family, and extended family and friends at this time of sorrow. Thanks for the music, thanks for the memories and most of all, thanks for just being you. Godspeed Tommy.
Hughena MacDougall (Dundee, Cape Breton, NS)
Tommy Makem
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August 7, 2007
I have been a fan since Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers first came to Cape Breton in the early 1960's. I have been to every concert he has performed in down in Nova Scotia. I am so very sorry for his family and friends. He sang his heart out at every performance and told stories like no one else. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Jo-anne Macdonald, 646 Granville Street, Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia B9A 2N4
Jo-anne Macdonald (Port Hawkesbury, NS)
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August 7, 2007
What a loss for mankind... Tommy Maken & The Clancy Brothers were always a comfort when I had little comfort in my life. They helped me trace my Irish heritage & pass on the songs of our land to my sons, daughters, Grandchildren & Great-grandchildren... God Bless my friend, we shall see you & the boys soon, Its a comfort to know the group has been reunited in heaven...
Harry Miller (Orlando, FL)
August 7, 2007
I was saddened to hear about the passing of Ireland's great musician and storyteller. My thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time.
Margaret Shannon (Charlotte, NC)
August 7, 2007
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August 6, 2007
Our deepest sympathy goes to you for your great loss. We admired his unique talent and charisma and we saw him every time we could. His performance at the Irish Repertoire Theatre in Manhattan was just wonderful. He will be greatly missed by all of us, but his legacy will live forever. Sincerely, Peter and Evelyn Regan
Peter and Evelyn Regan (Syosset, NY)
August 6, 2007
I feel lucky to have met Tommy Makem a number of times in my relatively short lift. Living in the same town as he and working in the local hospital I had many opportunities to see him in sickness and in health. In both he was ever charming and overwhelmingly positive. I feel lucky to have grown up listening to his music and even more lucky to have met such a great man. You will be missed.
Brendan H (Dover, NH)
August 6, 2007
I never saw him perform. I always heard about him from the radio (Blarney on the Air) and in the newspaper (Irish American News) and always missed him. I kept thinking well I'll see him next time. I am saddened that I will never get the chance. I know he will be missed.
Sean Pearson (Chicago, IL)
August 6, 2007
my father passed away june 29 this year. he was born and raised in dungarvan,county waterford ireland.he was so proud to be irish and made sure we knew who the clancy brothers and tommy makem were. great music to grow up with!godspeed.
brian mahoney (riverside, CA)
August 6, 2007
Deepest sympathy for your loss. But surely the heavens are ringing with Irish music.
Jayne Duggan (Little Compton, RI)
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August 6, 2007
Growing up in the 60's in the Bronx, daughter of an Armagh-born father, some of my earliest memories are of Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers records. Years later upon meeting Tommy at the Hudson River Clearwater Festival I asked him if he knew any "McClatcheys from Middletown". He promptly replied "You must mean Frank McClatchey, the great footballer. When he emigrated there was rejoicing that finally someone else could win at football." When my family and I would go to see him perform at his place in NYC (for this was an evening out that a twenty-something could enjoy with friends and parents in the 80's), he would always acknowledge my father and dedicate a song or two to him. Tommy was immensely talented in many ways. He especially knew how to make an aging Gaelic footballer and his family feel special. I am honored to have met him and to have his music in my heart.
Elizabeth Martin (Mahopac, NY)
Guest Book for
Tommy Makem
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August 6, 2007
Tommy was a chosen one. He had a special assignment when he came to Earth on November 4, 1932. This I truly believe. The Lord put the words in his mouth, the tune in his head, the song in his heart. He gave him a musical soul, and a voice that would stir our souls, hearts, minds. He gave him a huge measure of positive energy. He gave him a whole world to cheer. And Tommy did that in the most magnificent venues, and in more humble ones, to thousands of people at a time, or to a handful,
and he was faithful to the calling to the end.
You were so greatly blessed and a blessing to us all, my old friend and brother in the Lord.
I thank the Lord for His gift of Tommy Makem to the world, a man who
took his gifts and multiplied them, bringing joy and laughter,
knowledge and wit, this Bard of the Ages.
My love and condolences to his dear ones and friends. May the Lord in His Grace pour down on you strength, comfort and peace in the days ahead.
Audrey Cline (St. Andrews, NB)
August 6, 2007
My husband and I, being Irish, started following Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers in the early '60's; seeing them in downtown Chicago and then several times at Irishfest in Milwaukee and at Gaelic Park. One of my treasured memories will always be a picture of my husband with Tommy at Gaelic Park, about 7 years ago. We bought one of his CD's (to add to our collection) and he graciously posed for a picture. My husband died 5 years ago, and now Tommy has joined him in Heaven so they can share their love of Ireland and its music.
Judy Powers (Buffalo Grove, IL)
August 6, 2007
I was saddened to hear of Tommy's passing. He will be missed, but not forgotten. I didn't know him personally and never met him, but as a fan enjoyed the enthusiasm, spirit and passion he brought to his music. My heart goes out to the family.
Kathy Donovan (Lee, NH)
August 6, 2007
You were my husbands musical hero and you will surely be missed. You taught my husband, Dan, how to play your music and I can assure you that it will live on FOREVER in our home. God Bless you and your family.
Sandy and Dan Skammels (Somersworth, NH)
August 6, 2007
I can truly state that I have never seen nor heard a more gifted performer than MR TOMMY MAKEM. My wife and I, the last half dozen years or more, have had the privilage of watching he and his sons perform their annual New Hampshire Christmas Concert. The Christmas season will not be the same without his numerous stories or music.
Dick Place (Hampton, NH)
August 6, 2007
The parting glass is dry and done,and you must go and leave this town,before the rising of the sun.? Farewell Tommy, you enriched all our lives. AJM.Nenagh co.tipp.Ireland.
August 6, 2007
I never met Tommy. I've seen him at Gaelic Park(Chicago) and at Irishfest in Milwaukee but never approached him for a handshake or hello. I should have, but the way he sang songs and told stories made you feel like he was singing just for you, a friend. It will be sad in Milwaukee this year but I think that will give way to happy, fond rememberances. God bless the Makem family for sharing this man.
Bill McGovern (Homewood, IL)
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August 6, 2007
I was very sadded by his death. My husband and I went to see him in a concert in Boston and brought them all a jug of Tullamore Dew and put it on the stage. When we married, we had a piper pipe us into the reception to the tune of Jug o Punch. When my kids were little, they never heard the standard lullaby. When they were fussy or needed to be calmed down, we sang Tommy Makem and Clancy Brothers songs. Ask my daughter her favorite and she will say No Nay Never. We have all their records, tapes, and CD's. I just bought my husband the video of the concert in Ireland. Glad to hear his son is carrying on the tradition. Love to the family.
Lorraine bacon (liminton, ME)
August 6, 2007
To the family of Tommy Makem. My husbands family was from Dover NH and last name of Mikan, so often mistakenly called Makem, no doubt from the legacy of your name in the Dover area, and the world. They have all now departed from that area and long been gone, however my husband who just passed this year in March, was a fan of your music and legend. Rick and Ron Shaw were favorites of ours and carried your music and legend on with them as well. I have personally known your new Son -in -Law through business , Bob Boucher, who in his own right is a character of the arts, and was so proud to relay his relation to such a famous family.
My sincere wishes to you all in your time of loss, and envy all you have to remember and hold in your hearts from this wonderful legend, Tommy Makem a true Irish Spirit.
Pat (Mooney) Mikan
Manchester NH
Patrice Mikan (Manchester, NH)
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August 6, 2007
I have never before been tempted to attend a celebrity's service or even to send any type of fan letter, but somehow, this is different. It's almost like he (and the Clancy Brothers) were part of my family. I grew up in Boston listening to Tommy Makem. I saw him in concert with Liam Clancy. I'd sing the songs along with my father as I did the dishes after supper. I spent the night in a B&B in Kinsale singing some of the songs I had learned from all the records while growing up. I bought a CD for my nephew and on his second grade biography he wrote that his favorite song was "Whisky You're the Devil" (I had some explaining to do to my sister about that). I still have the original LP's that my father bought and then passed on to me. I could go on.
Memories that we hold in our hearts are eternal.
Katy Driscoll (East Thetford, VT)
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Guest Book for
Tommy Makem
Page 6 of 36
August 6, 2007
Tommy was a chosen one. He had a special assignment when he came to Earth on November 4, 1932. This I truly believe. The Lord put the words in his mouth, the tune in his head, the song in his heart. He gave him a musical soul, and a voice that would stir our souls, hearts, minds. He gave him a huge measure of positive energy. He gave him a whole world to cheer. And Tommy did that in the most magnificent venues, and in more humble ones, to thousands of people at a time, or to a handful,
and he was faithful to the calling to the end.
You were so greatly blessed and a blessing to us all, my old friend and brother in the Lord.
I thank the Lord for His gift of Tommy Makem to the world, a man who
took his gifts and multiplied them, bringing joy and laughter,
knowledge and wit, this Bard of the Ages.
My love and condolences to his dear ones and friends. May the Lord in His Grace pour down on you strength, comfort and peace in the days ahead.
Audrey Cline (St. Andrews, NB)
August 6, 2007
My husband and I, being Irish, started following Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers in the early '60's; seeing them in downtown Chicago and then several times at Irishfest in Milwaukee and at Gaelic Park. One of my treasured memories will always be a picture of my husband with Tommy at Gaelic Park, about 7 years ago. We bought one of his CD's (to add to our collection) and he graciously posed for a picture. My husband died 5 years ago, and now Tommy has joined him in Heaven so they can share their love of Ireland and its music.
Judy Powers (Buffalo Grove, IL)
August 6, 2007
I was saddened to hear of Tommy's passing. He will be missed, but not forgotten. I didn't know him personally and never met him, but as a fan enjoyed the enthusiasm, spirit and passion he brought to his music. My heart goes out to the family.
Kathy Donovan (Lee, NH)
August 6, 2007
You were my husbands musical hero and you will surely be missed. You taught my husband, Dan, how to play your music and I can assure you that it will live on FOREVER in our home. God Bless you and your family.
Sandy and Dan Skammels (Somersworth, NH)
August 6, 2007
I can truly state that I have never seen nor heard a more gifted performer than MR TOMMY MAKEM. My wife and I, the last half dozen years or more, have had the privilage of watching he and his sons perform their annual New Hampshire Christmas Concert. The Christmas season will not be the same without his numerous stories or music.
Dick Place (Hampton, NH)
August 6, 2007
The parting glass is dry and done,and you must go and leave this town,before the rising of the sun.? Farewell Tommy, you enriched all our lives. AJM.Nenagh co.tipp.Ireland.
August 6, 2007
I never met Tommy. I've seen him at Gaelic Park(Chicago) and at Irishfest in Milwaukee but never approached him for a handshake or hello. I should have, but the way he sang songs and told stories made you feel like he was singing just for you, a friend. It will be sad in Milwaukee this year but I think that will give way to happy, fond rememberances. God bless the Makem family for sharing this man.
Bill McGovern (Homewood, IL)
Contact me
August 6, 2007
I was very sadded by his death. My husband and I went to see him in a concert in Boston and brought them all a jug of Tullamore Dew and put it on the stage. When we married, we had a piper pipe us into the reception to the tune of Jug o Punch. When my kids were little, they never heard the standard lullaby. When they were fussy or needed to be calmed down, we sang Tommy Makem and Clancy Brothers songs. Ask my daughter her favorite and she will say No Nay Never. We have all their records, tapes, and CD's. I just bought my husband the video of the concert in Ireland. Glad to hear his son is carrying on the tradition. Love to the family.
Lorraine bacon (liminton, ME)
August 6, 2007
To the family of Tommy Makem. My husbands family was from Dover NH and last name of Mikan, so often mistakenly called Makem, no doubt from the legacy of your name in the Dover area, and the world. They have all now departed from that area and long been gone, however my husband who just passed this year in March, was a fan of your music and legend. Rick and Ron Shaw were favorites of ours and carried your music and legend on with them as well. I have personally known your new Son -in -Law through business , Bob Boucher, who in his own right is a character of the arts, and was so proud to relay his relation to such a famous family.
My sincere wishes to you all in your time of loss, and envy all you have to remember and hold in your hearts from this wonderful legend, Tommy Makem a true Irish Spirit.
Pat (Mooney) Mikan
Manchester NH
Patrice Mikan (Manchester, NH)
Contact me
August 6, 2007
I have never before been tempted to attend a celebrity's service or even to send any type of fan letter, but somehow, this is different. It's almost like he (and the Clancy Brothers) were part of my family. I grew up in Boston listening to Tommy Makem. I saw him in concert with Liam Clancy. I'd sing the songs along with my father as I did the dishes after supper. I spent the night in a B&B in Kinsale singing some of the songs I had learned from all the records while growing up. I bought a CD for my nephew and on his second grade biography he wrote that his favorite song was "Whisky You're the Devil" (I had some explaining to do to my sister about that). I still have the original LP's that my father bought and then passed on to me. I could go on.
Memories that we hold in our hearts are eternal.
Katy Driscoll (East Thetford, VT)
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Tommy Makem
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August 6, 2007
Our loss is heaven's gain. Your love of people and life was so beautifully expressed in your music.
Bob Moran (Moorestown, NJ)
August 6, 2007
The Officers, Directors,Members and Staff of Chicago Gaelic Park express their deep condolences to the Family of Tommy Makem. Tommy Makem played a special role in the history of Gaelic Park's Irish Festival. He has appeared at Gaelic Park over twenty times, but his contributions go beyond his apperances. He also provided advice and counsel to the Festival Organizers, as well as assistance in promoting the Festival. Tommy Makem's contributions to Chicago Gaelic Park will not be forgotten.
Chicago Gaelic Park (Oak Forest, IL)
August 6, 2007
My Mother was from Ireland and growing up all you could hear coming from our house was the sounds of the Clancy Brothers and other Irish music. As I grew I moved to Chicago and saw Tommy Makem at the Gaelic Fest and felt so at home listening to his music. The past couple of years he was unable to preform at the fest, but his Son did and his laughter and joy came through him. I will miss him dearly and send my thoughts and prayers to his family. He is one of the greatest, not only as a singer and storyteller, but as a person. My thoughts to all.
Ginger Siwek (Lemont, IL)
August 6, 2007
To the entire Makem family.
I wanted to send my sympathy and prayers to you all. and hope you find comfort in our Lord during this time of saddness. Your dad will always be a legend around the world and his music will continue to bring happiness to all who listen.
Kristen Dostie (Lothrop) (lewiston, ME)
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August 6, 2007
The world has lost one of it's brightest lights. 'The Bard of Armagh' will be missed, but his writings and recordings will entertain us forever. I had the honor of meeting Tommy on two occasions, back in the 70's with Liam in NYC, then again in Ct 2-3 years ago. Always charming, may his music play forever.
Bob Harrigan (Hartford, CT)
August 6, 2007
Tommy Makem was a very special gift to all who had the honor of meeting him. My memories will always be happy. His music will live on forever.
God bless you, Tommy!
Catherine Crosby (ocoee, FL)
August 6, 2007
Oh the many hours of laughter and fun and sweet thoughts of Ireland you and the Clancy Brothers have brought our family. You will live forever!
Joanne Davey (Freestone, CA)
August 6, 2007
On Wednesday past a piece of Ireland left us forever. His name was Tommy Makem and as most of you know he was a pretty popular singer. What most of us don’t realize is the impact this man of Ireland really had on our lives, our heritage and our culture. He may have been known as the Godfather of Irish Music or the Modern Day Bard of Armagh, but more than that he was first a son, then a brother, a cousin an Uncle, a husband, a father, a grandfather, a teacher, a poet, an actor, a patriot and a friend.
Tommy was born to a family of music lovers in a town called Keady in County Armagh near the border with the Republic of Ireland. A linen mill town where everyone toiled in the hard and nasty work preparing flax. It was here Tommy basked in his Mother’s ability to retain songs. Sarah Makem, a legend in her own right, sang the songs all day and night and she passed this wondrous gift on to the man we came to know.
A desire to act brought him to America, in America he teamed up with the Tom, Pat & Liam Clancy’s. Tommy & Liam were intent on trying their hand at acting and busily sought roles on and off Broadway. It was even better when they discovered they could earn a few extra dollars singing the old songs they learned at home and from Tommy’s Mother Sarah. This discovery and a desire to eat regularly led them to try the singing thing… “temporarily”. But as we now know. and appreciate, it was a temporary thing that continued until he slipped away this past Wednesday.
For many of us Tommy’s music opened a door to Irish culture. With chart topping hits and soul searching ballads Tommy songs made a statement about our Irish history and heritage. He took us on a journey to a wondrous land of song and story, laughter and merriment, pain and sorrow. He took us to a land of people yearning to be free.
I came to know him as a result of my involvement with the Cleveland Irish Cultural Festival and it has been a privilege and a pleasure to engage and befriend this noblest of men. He was kind and caring, humble and strong, faithful and devouted. He would sit and talk for hours about people, places and things. Weaving such tales as I only wish I could retell. He loved his family, he loved his heritage and he really loved living a life where he could “get by” simply doing the things he most loves to do.
Yes today we are all sad that he is no longer with us. And while it is important to mourn the loss of a loved one I believe Tommy would rather have us celebrate that what he gave us. So let us heed his advice and remember him as he lived. Let us celebrate his life, celebrate his legacy. Remember the millions who have enjoyed his music, the thousands and thousands who were inspired by him to pick up a guitar, strum a banjo, try a tin whistle or belt out a song. Yes we loved Tommy Makem and his music will live on. It will live on in our hearts, it will live on in our souls, it will live on in the minds of so very many who were touched by this humble man from Keady…the hub of the universe.
Let the celebration begin.
Roger S. Weist
Beyond the Pale
WRUW FM 91.1
Cleveland, Ohio
Roger S. Weist (Cleveland, OH)
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August 6, 2007
August 6, 2007
Dear Tommy’s Family,
Forty-three years ago this month, a friend and I traveled to Ireland. It was the first time outside the country for both of us “innocents abroad” and we were awestruck by the sights and sounds. One adventure (of many!) that led to another was paying a visit to Mrs. Sarah Makem, Tommy’s mother, in Keady. Then, hearing from her about a Makem/Clancy concert that night in Belfast, we caught a train from Armagh and arrived breathlessly at the concert hall only to find that there were no seats left.
Always the very kindest of hearts, Tommy spotted us in the crowd and ushered us into a prime spot at the foot of the stage. That night, the boys were recording their “Live in Ireland” concert album, on which I can still pick out my own voice in the chorus when we were asked to join in with all the “Air fa la la los.”
Tommy, all the beautiful tributes that people are leaving for you are so true and well deserved. Thank God for the memories and the music. You are both gift and giver. Rest well and know in your eternal soul how much you were (and are) loved by so many.
Gratefully, Nancy
Nancy Dallaire (Trenton, NJ)
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Tommy Makem
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August 6, 2007
I grew up with Tommy Makem's music at many family gatherings. Many wonderful memories that will live on through the music! He was a good man with a solid family.
Katie Robertson (Hartman) (Medfield, MA)
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August 6, 2007
Johnny, I hardly knew ya!
Patrick Smith (Orillia, ON)
August 6, 2007
Mr. Makem has touched so many lives in a soft and gentle manner, much in the way he lived his life. He will be missed, but his music and stories will live on forever.
May the family find comfort in the outpouring of well wishers and the stories that will be told during this time. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Jim, Raeline, Brianna & Shannon O'Neil (Dover, NH)
August 6, 2007
I had the great pleasure to meet Tommy at the Milwaukee Irish Fest a few years ago and was thrilled to have the opportunity to talk with a true legend. His contributions to and influence on Irish culture will endure for generations to come. My deepest condolences to the Makem family.
Cheryl Arvio (Evanston, IL)
August 6, 2007
How could I not tell a story about one of the Worlds Greatest Storytellers. The venue being The National Concert Hall in Dublin sometime before I moved to Boston in "86. I'm thinking it was around the summer of "78. I was then about 16 years old and with my first weeks wages managed to buy 3 tickets to the Makem and Clancy show. My Dad and Mum have always been HUGE fans (as are all of their 14 offspring.) I knew they would be thrilled at the idea of going to the concert.
Anyway to make a long story longer, as the fella says,off we went. During the show the lights dimmed and the place went silent. You could hear a pin drop as Tommy sang "The Dutchman". Towords the end of the song there is a little "lull", when the verse ends and before the last chorus...My Dad thinking the song was over and forgetting himself..Shouted out through the silent crowd to Tommy "UP YE BOY YE" Oh God, I thought, we'll all get thrown out. The spotlight that had been shining on Tommy zoomed around and landed directly on us three..Tommy walked over to the front of the stage , looked directly up at my Dad and Shouted back to him "UP YE BOY YE YOURSELF" as only Tommy would.. The place erupted in applause and laughter and then Tommy raised his hand and silenced the crowed and he finished the song. A night and a Man to remember. He will never be forgotton. His songs and music and storytelling will go on forever.What a legecy he has left his family. May thoughts of happy times spent with your Dad help you through this sad time. Olive (Murphy) Nutley. Quincy, Ma.
Olivia Nutley (Quincy, MA)
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August 6, 2007
My father, born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, introduced me to the music of Tommy Makem when I was about 9 or 10 years old. The music that the Makem brothers made gripped me then and has kept a grip on me ever since. Thank you so much, Tommy. Ireland Forever.
Joan (OH)
August 6, 2007
Tommy Makem and the Clancey Brothers name was often used in our home. I have scotsh-Irish roots and he personified the best in Celtic music. He will be sadly missed.
Donald McLeod (Calais, ME)
August 6, 2007
I had the absolute privelege of having seen Tommy perform over 40 times. From Carnegie Hall to taverns in Bethesda, Maryland, he was the consummate performer. I will treasure the memories of his shows and his music forever. May he Rest in Peace.
Dennis Carroll (Washington, DC)
August 6, 2007
To The Makem Family:
I had the pleasure of growing up with his music. My father had all his records and he would play them at all hours of the day and night. I also had the pleasure of seeing and listening to him at the Newport Irish Festival 2 years ago.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Linda Cahoon (PAWCATUCK, CT)
August 6, 2007
We'll always remember the stories, the poems, the songs. We'll remember the joy we in Tommy's audiences felt sharing some time with him. Most of all, we'll remember the man who took all of us, Irish or not, and helped us become Irish for a little while. How will we start our Christmas season without a concert at the Rochester Opera House to attend? Our sincere condolences to Katie, Shane, Rory, Conor and their families.
Bob and Bonnie Lou Morton (Atkinson, NH)
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Tommy Makem
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August 6, 2007
Our deepest heartfelt condolences to the Makem family and friends.
Bob & Maura O'Dea (Webster, MA)
August 5, 2007
my knowledge/interest in Irish history began with the works of Tommy Makem, there would be no traditional Irish Music today without him . . .
maighread threanifir (ny, NY)
August 5, 2007
You will be greatly missed, your legacy and talent will live forever.
May God bless you and keep you in his care.
My ealriest memories are of sitting on my fathers knee listneing to Makem and Clancy Collection on LP.
There are now three generations of us who mourne your parting.
August 5, 2007
My condolences to Tommy's family, friends and multiple fans. As a musician friend stated "he was the spark that started a great fire". He will be sorely missed by all. I will even miss his teasing about my dislike of "Waltzing with Bears". (It never stopped him from singing it!)
Mary Feeney (Boston and Glen, NH)
August 5, 2007
Thank you for doing what you did in life Tommy. Thanks to you, I have a career. A great gift you've given to so many.
Donal O'Shaughnesy
Donal O'Shaughnessy (Endicott, NY)
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August 5, 2007
Tommy Makem used his songs to tell a story .He was a professional and a great artist. I heard him sing many times, you could hear a pindrop as he sang . He will be missed.
Brigid Guarino (Sun City Center, FL)
August 5, 2007
We grew up fifth generation Irish Canadians in the 'sixties and were green with envy when the parents of friends got to see The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem when he came to Ottawa. Fortune gave me the opportunity, in college days, in Cape Breton to attend house parties in Sydney where Tommy lit up the room like an arriving Irish Pope! Then, during several concerts here in Halifax, Nova Scotia, I was honoured to MC Tommy solo and with Evans and Doherty. His earthly frame has been taken from us but the part of our hearts which his music and love for Ireland created live in us all.
Ar dheis Dhe go raibh se.
Joe Murphy
Irish Studies
St Mary's University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Joe Murphy (Dartmouth, NS)
August 5, 2007
God's Speed, Tommy Makem
Barbara Sarsfield-Mahaney (Jeannette, PA)
August 5, 2007
I'm second generation Irish-American. My family roots were in Skerries, just North of Dublin. As a kid, I had the pleasure of listening to Tommy and his band of Clancy's. For some reason I was always drawn to the rebel and the injustices that made it so that my family had to live in New York, rather than the place they all dreamed about.
Over the years, I became a huge fan of the music and the spirit that Tommy and the Clancy's created through their music. His spirit follows his music and that music is eternal in my family.
With deep condolences, I pray you find his memories will live on forever in you as well.
Tommy Boylan (Windsor, CA)
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August 5, 2007
We will miss your smiling face and your wonderful songs that we listened and sang along to when you performed in Syracuse NY. What a wonderfull Irish Ambassador you were.
the cregan family (syracuse, NY)
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Tommy Makem
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August 5, 2007
My sincerest sympthies to the Makem family. Losing Tommy Makem is like losing a family member. His music has been a part of my life for the past 50 years. Listening to his songs and stories as a little girl gave me the first true love of Irish culture. Although I have never had the privilege of visiting Ireland, I always felt a kinship to many of the places Tommy sang about. His heart and wit touched my soul deeply. I will raise a glass to this special man. You are in my prayers.
Linda (Murphy) Colburn (Bangor, ME)
August 5, 2007
My wife and I as newly weds living in Niagara Falls, NY, had the great pleasure of attending a Tommy Makem and the Clancy Bros. concert in Buffalo, the spring of 1968. Can't ever forget how wonderful the sounds were in person, the "Bonnie Shoals of Herring", "Finnegan's Wake" and all their great songs of the time. How joyous and how sad and quiet their songs could be. Great talents.
Joe Hammill (St. Simons Island, GA)
August 5, 2007
My deepest sympathy to family,friends, and fans of Tommy.He will be sorely missed, but his music will live on in our hearts 'til we join him once again singing his music in his heavenly band.It will be a sad Irish Fest in Milwaukee this year, but the memories linger on.
Slan my friend
Cindy Milwaukee, Wi.
Cindy Esser (Milwaukee, WI)
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August 5, 2007
Thank you so much for being there,
for all your songs and stories and conversations.
I will miss you very much but will always think of and cherish these and so many more wonderful things about you.
Connie Jeffrey (Chicago, IL)
August 5, 2007
My boyfriend and I saw Tommy several times at the Newport Irish Festival and each time this event drew near we would talk about how we looked forward to seeing him again.
We would remember how much we enjoyed his shows and agreed on his remarkable talent and wit.
He really focused on his audience, having them sing along, and he had a story for each song that was beautifully done.
Tommy will always remain in our memories. His legacy is one to be proud of, remembered and I'm sure will be carried on by his children.
Our deepest condolences to Tommy's family at this time and thoughts and prayers are with you all.
God Bless.
Pattie Brady (North Providence, RI)
August 5, 2007
Tommy is a Icon that will never be forgotten. He not only highlighted our rich culture but enhanced it in so many ways. Every day he had on this earth was filled with his love for Poetry, Song and Story. I can't tell you how thankfully we should be for having him here for 1 minute let alone 70 plus years.
All our prayers go out to the Makem family. Tommy is a great man that touched us so very profoundly.
Sean M Hennessey
Echoes of Ireland
Radio Show
Watertown NY
Sean Hennessey (Watertown, NY)
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August 5, 2007
I first met Tommy in the 70's when he was performing at The Keg Room in Springfield Ma. He was kind enough to spend time with a starstruck fan with aspirations of becoming a folksinger. His words of encouragement meant the world to me at the time and still echo to me through the years. We had since shared many backstage conversations and I cherished each and every one. From my family to The Makems we share your sorrow ,our prayers and thoughts are with you.
Kevin McKrell (Saratoga Springs, NY)
August 5, 2007
"It'a Tyme, Gentlemen, Tyme...raise your glass to pleasures that have past, tyme, Gentlemen, Tyme." Let's all raise a glass to the great Tommy Makem. May your songs live on forever.
Helen & Al Schadlick (Wells, ME)
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August 5, 2007
Tommy Makem and his music have been a part of my life for decades, and my children grew up listening to his wonderful voice and music. I had the great privilege of meeting him at the Irish Festival in Littleton, Colorado four years ago; where his genuine heartfelt warmth, humility, and deep faith shone through. I was as impressed with him as I have always been with his music. He made the world a glad, more united place, and he is sadly missed in our family. My sympathies to his. God bless you.
Linda Hotton (nee McNally) (Broomfield, CO)
Show picture
August 5, 2007
Every time Tommy was in the area, my husband and I would make it a point to go see him. We loved his funny stories, his warmth, and, most of all, his music. We especially loved seeing him at the Irish Pavillion--it felt like we were sitting at home listening to a dear friend play. He will be missed by many.
Eileen Wilson (Bloomfield, NJ)
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Tommy Makem
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August 5, 2007
Attended many of his concerts in and around Boston. His like will not be seen again. May God bless him for bringing us the music of our lives.
Grateful Fan (Somerville, MA)
August 5, 2007
It has always been an honour and a great pleasure to have shared many a stage with the legendary Tommy Makem . On the numerous occasions that I met him at various festivals throughout the USA, he was never anything but a pure gentleman and as courteous a man as you will find anywhere. He could always hold an audience in the palm of his hand from the moment he stepped on the stage. If it was not for Tommy & co. ,I might not be where I am today. They laid the ground for us all. It is with great sadness that we mourn his passing. I know his very talented family will keep the tradition going. A great bunch of lads that I have the pleasure of knowing. May he wander in peace in the Four GReen Fields that he loved. Sincere condolences to his family and friends on both sides of the pond.
Sean & Breda McGuinness
Dublin City Ramblers
Sean& Breda McGuinness (Dublin)
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August 5, 2007
To the Makem family, my sincere condolences to you at this time. Tommy's legacy lives on, not only in his family, but in his many, many fans throughout the world. I remember watching him and the Clancy's on the Ed Sullivan Show, as well as listening to my father play his music while growing up. My own children have listen to him as well. I felt honored to see him perform twice in my life and cherish the memory.
Bennacht De ort.
Dan Callaghan (Mooresville, NC)
August 5, 2007
Our condolences to the Makem family. Tommy brought joy to our lives each time we heard him. His music will live forever in the hearts of all who knew him.
Lee & Diane Ryan (HADDON TOWNSHIP, NJ)
August 5, 2007
What can one say that would do justice to Tommy Makem.
He loved his country, he gave us the gift of himself, in Music,Stories and Song. He was humble man that gave to us the joys of his profession.
May the good Lord welcome him with open arms and say. Tommy, Welcome you good a faithful servant, you have share the gifts I gave you with many.
Rest in Peace. Tommy
Bosco Harkin (Lower Sackville, NS)
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August 5, 2007
Tommy, you were a musical angel from heaven. As a child, I'd go to Makem/Clancy concerts. It always brought such joy to my mother (and total laughter from me, I loved the stories). Later, I'd go to Tommy Makem concerts with my wife. He dedicated a song to her when performing on our anniversary. Our own children have grown up listening to Tommy's beautiful voice, stories, songs. Ah, the memories. The laughter and tears of the music. Our prayers are with the Makem family.
Mark Bergin (Kingston, ON)
August 5, 2007
The memories of your songs and stories will be cherished memories that will be passed down to many generations and last forever.
May you and your family be in the thoughts and prayers of many.
Nancy D (Oswego, IL)
August 5, 2007
My deepest regrets to the Makem Family, as well as the Clancy Family and Tommy's fans all over the world. For years I have attended his satruday
night concert at the Milwaukee Irish Fest. This year's fest will be the weekend of August 18.
The Summerfest Grounds will be packed, but
the Miller Stage will seem emply without him.
May God be good to him.
Bill McGrath (Waukegan, Illinois)
August 4, 2007
We will miss you very Tommy.
Robert Worth (Beckley, WV)
August 4, 2007
I came to America in the early '80's and was lost here for a little while. I saw a concert with Tommy and Liam Advertized, went to it and laughed and cried for about two hours and for over twenty years since have believed since that night isn't it grand boys, isn't it grand...he was and is a true legend and his music will live on way after all of us have passed on. God bless you Tom, you gave so much to so many and you will never be forgotten.
William Ramoutar (Jacksonville, FL)
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Tommy Makem
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August 4, 2007
Douglas,Liz and Sean O'Connor (NAPLES, FL)
August 4, 2007
father from Mullaghbawn in South Armagh introduced me to Tommy's music in
the 60's.I attended many live performances in NY over the years the most
recent was a child's Christmas in Whales at the Irish Repetoire theather
and got to meet and talk to him after the benefit at Lincoin Center.He was
so positive and encouraging. One thing death can't do is take our memories.
May his soul rest in peace.
Ainemhaire McParland (Yonkers, NY)
August 4, 2007
GOD Bless Tommy on his trip to County Heaven. So many happy memories of listening to his music growing up, my family singing along to him and the Clancy brothers, my son being born on St. Paddy's day with Irish music playing in the background- had to name him Brennan! Heaven just got a tad more lively! Tess Wynn Baltimore, MD.
Tess Wynn (Baltimore, MD)
August 4, 2007
Douglas,Liz and Sean OConnor (NAPLES, FL)
August 4, 2007
My wife and I just attended the annual Folk Festival in St. John's Newfoundland, Canada. They announced that Tommy had died and everybody sang a song in his memory. Tommy was well loved and respected in Newfoundland. My wife and I always attended and enjoyed his concerts everytime he visited. We attended his concert at the Arts and Culture centre this past winter. He signed a C.D. for me. He will be sadly missed and fondly remembered. We extend our sympathy to his family.
Dianne & Bruce Kearley
Bruce Kearley (St. John's, NF)
August 4, 2007
What an enormous talent with humility to boot! It is a rare gift in today's entertainment world. Thank you for many years of great music. You will not be forgotten. Sincere condolences to the Makem family. Your loss is shared by many.
Johanna Reilly (Willimantic, CT)
August 4, 2007
There's a tear in our eyes, and I am wondering why,you've been cherished by many ,not few. With such power in your voice, you've left us no choice to remember your gifts to us all. An Icon of Ireland has passed this day and may peace be with the Makem family who shared you with us. We have attended every concert at the Rebecca Cohn, in Halifax, Nova Scotia
May the Peace of God be with you all.
James McBride (Bedford,, NS)
August 4, 2007
I've seen Tommy perform on a few occasions and had a chance to talk with him. I saw him as recent as last summer and looked forward to seeing him again in a few weeks. He was always happy to spend a moment to talk with a fan. We'll all miss you Tommy. God bless.
Gene Carpenter (East Providence, RI)
August 4, 2007
Thank you, Mr. Makem, for introducing me to the music of my ancestors! Rest in peace and play lots of Irish music for the angels!
Deborah Geary (Scranton, PA)
August 4, 2007
Tommy, through his actions, taught our generation that it was ok to be a caring, sensitve,passionate male. He was a great role model for us and he also taught passion for what mattered through his music. My grandmother, Alice O'Connor taught me to love and respect the men that gave Ireland meaning beyond all the sterotypes.I will always carry his message with me as a therapist and hopefully pass it on to the clients who come to me for healing.God bless you and my grandmother Alice, whose faith in me and Ireland are now reaping the rewards that were hoped for
Tom Fitzgerald (Portland, ME)
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Tommy Makem
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August 8, 2007
In life irrepressible, in death irreplaceable - a true folk hero who pointed the way for all of us.
Ben Sands (Newry, Co Down, Ireland)
August 8, 2007
You brought joy to many a family sing song in our family get togethers... and many more I am sure
Paul Mc Guire
Paul Mc Guire (Limerick)
August 8, 2007
The Irish community and traditional music people will miss Tommy. I always enjoyed our breakfasts and discussions on the Irish cruise each year. His knowledge of not only Irish music but many other topics was remarkable. Condolences to his sons and all the Makens.
Larry (Placentia, CA)
August 8, 2007
To the Makem children.
Please accept our sincere condolences for your recent loss.
Both of your parents were very fine people and they will be missed.
Bob and Margie Fisher
Robert Fisher (Dover, NH)
August 8, 2007
happy memories of Tommy and the Clancy bros. in St. Columb's Hall, Derry City and the fleadh on1969.God rest his brave soul.
thomas bonner (DERRY CITY,IRELAND)
August 8, 2007
The Young family from Syracuse, NY mourns the passing of our friend, Thomas Makem. My mother and I traveled with him to Ireland in 1990, and he made Kate Young feel special, but that was his true genius- he made everyone feel special. He was a cultural icon and we who were privileged to be in his company are better for having known him and his music.
John Young (Syracuse, NY)
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August 8, 2007
I remember the day the Shaskeen Irish Pub had its grand opening in Manchester, N.H. It was our Anniversay Day, November 27th, in 2005. The Chieftans were playing and the tickets were hard to get. We managed to get a pair. My wife and I were standing outside in a line waiting to get inside. Standing to my right, leaning against the building, was Tommy. He was a special guest that day and yet he did not expect to be treated any different from any of the rest of us waiting in line. I went over to say hello and he was as cordial as ever. I reminded him that I knew his cousin, Tommy Hardiman. His response: "And you'll admit that in public?" Later, once inside, I went over to talk with him again and he was so down to earth, it was like talking to an old friend. Friendly, great sense of humor. And that is how Tommy was to everyone.
Timothy Decker (Manchester, NH)
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August 8, 2007
I have loved the music of both Tommy and Liam Clancy for many years. My late Mam was a great fan of Tommys, and when they appeared in the Gaeity Theatre in Dublin my Dad always treated us to a box in the dress circle and new dresses as a joint birthday treat... I saw them many times before I went to Uk when I was married, and am saddened to think I will never get the chance to go to one of the shows again, I had tickets for last year in Dublin, but unfortunatly it was cancelled due to Tommys illness. God bless you Tommy, and my sympathies to your family on such a sad occasion.
Ann Fahy Baker, Dublin Ireland
Ann Fahy Baker (Dublin)
August 7, 2007
A life long fan. I had the honor of meeting Tommy in Holyoke, MA at the Wherehouse? . It is very sad to read of his passing. Thank God he was with us for so many years. I'm now passing on his music to my grandsons. May God comfort his family during these difficult days, and may his beautiful soul rest in peace.
John Somers (West Springfield, MA)
August 7, 2007
I will never forget the night my brother John and I took my Mother to a Clancy Brothers concert at Bridgewater State University (1970ish?). I hadn't seen my mom have so much fun in a long time.....she joined in on the singalongs and applauded with such enthusiasm!
Thanks, Tommy, and the rest of you guys for sharing your talents with us. God bless and keep ya'!
Brenda Calligan (Rohnert Park, CA)
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August 10, 2007
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August 9, 2007
Our sincere sympathy to the Tommy Makem family. He will truly be missed.
Andy & Lorraine Haley (Dover, NM)
August 9, 2007
Tommy Makem and the Clancy brothers were such a part of my childhood. I was raised with their music ringing through my house while we went about our daily doings. Tommy was a part of the childhood that taught me to be proud of my irish heritage. He will truly be missed.
Jennifer C. (Rochester, NH)
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Tommy Makem
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August 11, 2007
I have only recently began to study who Tommy Makem is through his music, although, in this short time I can see that the world has lost a great musician, historian and someone very special. I will do my part to keep him alive in spirit through the songs he has shared with the world. God Bless the gift of Tommy Makem.
Doug Graves (Dartmouth, NS)
August 10, 2007
May the road rise up to greet you.
The road has risen, you are at your journey's end.
May the wind be always at you back.
Now it is.
May the Sun shine warm upon your face.
Today you walk in Heaven's sunshine.
And the rains fall soft upon your fields.
The four green fields are wet with tears at the loss of their beloved son.
And until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.
You are no longer in the palm of His hand but seated at His right side.
I'll miss the wit, the stories, the political discussions, but most of all the friendship and seeing you at the family gatherings. Say "hi" to Mary for me.
Thank you for being the legacy that is Tommy Makem.
Sue Hailson
Susan Hailson (Nashua)
August 10, 2007
Dear Tommy, I want you to know that I will miss YOU terribly. I am glad a part of you will live on through memories and music.
I am happier and richer since I got to know you. I loved all the concerts I attended and the two times I went with you on tours to Ireland. You were a real gentleman which impressed me.
Frances Mills
Frances Mills (Richmond Heights, OH)
August 10, 2007
How our family loved Tommy! Frank and I saw him countless times and often took some of our five children. Frank died 4 years ago but my daughter and I went to the wake Tuesday.What a beautiful tri-bute to a beautiful man!
Virginia K. Sullivan (Concord, NH)
August 10, 2007
You will be missed....you were the best !! Rest well !!
Anonymous (New York City)
August 10, 2007
To the Makem family, please accept our heartfelt sympathy on the loss of a father,an uncle, a teacher, and an inspiration to all who met him as well as those of us who enjoyed his music. He will be sadly missed but he will forever be remembered.
Ed and Lynn Higgins
Cape Breton
Nova Scotia
Ed Higgins (Glace Bay, NS)
August 10, 2007
My sencere condolences to Katie,Shane,Conor and Rory at this time, I witnessed first hand the respect and love you had for this great man,so I know your loss is enormus.
I will miss the long breakfast's and the many many story's that made the days go so fast.
Tommy, May God be with you.
Peter Clarke
Clarke Peter (Dublin)
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August 10, 2007
When all of my friends were into the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin, I was 14 and collecting my Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem albums. In '91 I had the pleasure of seeing Tommy perform at a Celtic Festival in Cleveland. The next morning in the hotel restaurant, the waitress behind me asked for the order of the guest. WHO could mistake that voice!!!? Rich and profound, why, you could pick that voice from a thousand-- and all he said was, "Eggs Benedict".
After breakfast we went to pay our bill and he made it to the cashier before us. I was nearly speechless, but I managed to get out "You know, I've been collecting your records since I was 14" (I was 39 at the time). He looked startled and said, "Am I THAT old, then, girl?" and we both laughed. "I thank you for your music, dear man."
He was a most gracious host in his presence -as if his "space" was his home and he was inviting you in. A lifetime was not long enough to know such a soul.
I've no doubt at all that we will meet for good craic on heaven's hills-- which look very like the Dingle Penninsula! Heaven is for the best of all reunions. Save us a seat, Tommy.
Caron Ward (Lebanon)
August 10, 2007
Our hearts go out to you, Katie and Molly, Conor,Shane and Rory and all the extended Makem family members. Yesterday's funeral service was a beautiful tribute to a great man whose presence among us will be sorely missed. Even though we are having a bloody good cry since hearing of his passing from this life to the next, we are so grateful to you for sharing your father with us, such a unique talent. You are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you all.
Beatrice Reil & family (Dover, NH)
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August 10, 2007
I'm sure you were in Heaven long before the devil knew you were dead! Godspeed and thanks for all the wonderful years of your gifts. You will be missed.
My sympathies to the Makem family...what a loss to you all.
Tricia McLaughlin (Boston, MA)
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Tommy Makem
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August 12, 2007
Not only did Tommy Makem give us song, spirit and soul, he also gave his time and talent to SO MANY charitable groups like Child & Family Svcs. Tommy also taught us that it was important for us to remember where we came from and was involved in having folks like Bernadette Devlin come from Ireland to speak at an event in Dover. We will miss his kindness and ability to make us all laugh.
As we step into the days and months to come, we will carry the Makem family in our hearts and prayers as they journey on without their Dad.
May Tommy rest in peace and rise in glory.
With sympathy,
Jane Sweeney Beecher & family (York, ME)
August 12, 2007
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. The thoughts of many are with you at this time of sorrow. Beryl and I enjoyed his music, songs and stories at Stan Fest in Canso a few years ago, We were sadly informed he would not make it this year as scheduled, He will be greatly missed, R &B Tyrrell
Russell Tyrrell (Arichat, Cape Breton, NS)
August 12, 2007
August 12, 2007
I made a pathway for ya today. You have made memories for me so now I will make them for you. No ripples...Just bloody good cries. Gordon/Conleys
Kate Conley (South Portland, ME)
August 11, 2007
I have only recently began to study who Tommy Makem is through his music, although, in this short time I can see that the world has lost a great musician, historian and someone very special. I will do my part to keep him alive in spirit through the songs he has shared with the world. God Bless the gift of Tommy Makem.
Doug Graves (Dartmouth, NS)
August 10, 2007
May the road rise up to greet you.
The road has risen, you are at your journey's end.
May the wind be always at you back.
Now it is.
May the Sun shine warm upon your face.
Today you walk in Heaven's sunshine.
And the rains fall soft upon your fields.
The four green fields are wet with tears at the loss of their beloved son.
And until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.
You are no longer in the palm of His hand but seated at His right side.
I'll miss the wit, the stories, the political discussions, but most of all the friendship and seeing you at the family gatherings. Say "hi" to Mary for me.
Thank you for being the legacy that is Tommy Makem.
Sue Hailson
Susan Hailson (Nashua)
August 10, 2007
Dear Tommy, I want you to know that I will miss YOU terribly. I am glad a part of you will live on through memories and music.
I am happier and richer since I got to know you. I loved all the concerts I attended and the two times I went with you on tours to Ireland. You were a real gentleman which impressed me.
Frances Mills
Frances Mills (Richmond Heights, OH)
August 10, 2007
How our family loved Tommy! Frank and I saw him countless times and often took some of our five children. Frank died 4 years ago but my daughter and I went to the wake Tuesday.What a beautiful tri-bute to a beautiful man!
Virginia K. Sullivan (Concord, NH)
August 10, 2007
You will be missed....you were the best !! Rest well !!
Anonymous (New York City)
August 10, 2007
To the Makem family, please accept our heartfelt sympathy on the loss of a father,an uncle, a teacher, and an inspiration to all who met him as well as those of us who enjoyed his music. He will be sadly missed but he will forever be remembered.
Ed and Lynn Higgins
Cape Breton
Nova Scotia
Ed Higgins (Glace Bay, NS)
Tommy Makem
Page 2 of 38
August 12, 2007
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. The thoughts of many are with you at this time of sorrow. Beryl and I enjoyed his music, songs and stories at Stan Fest in Canso a few years ago, We were sadly informed he would not make it this year as scheduled, He will be greatly missed, R &B Tyrrell
Russell Tyrrell (Arichat, Cape Breton, NS)
August 12, 2007
August 12, 2007
I made a pathway for ya today. You have made memories for me so now I will make them for you. No ripples...Just bloody good cries. Gordon/Conleys
Kate Conley (South Portland, ME)
August 11, 2007
I have only recently began to study who Tommy Makem is through his music, although, in this short time I can see that the world has lost a great musician, historian and someone very special. I will do my part to keep him alive in spirit through the songs he has shared with the world. God Bless the gift of Tommy Makem.
Doug Graves (Dartmouth, NS)
August 10, 2007
May the road rise up to greet you.
The road has risen, you are at your journey's end.
May the wind be always at you back.
Now it is.
May the Sun shine warm upon your face.
Today you walk in Heaven's sunshine.
And the rains fall soft upon your fields.
The four green fields are wet with tears at the loss of their beloved son.
And until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.
You are no longer in the palm of His hand but seated at His right side.
I'll miss the wit, the stories, the political discussions, but most of all the friendship and seeing you at the family gatherings. Say "hi" to Mary for me.
Thank you for being the legacy that is Tommy Makem.
Sue Hailson
Susan Hailson (Nashua)
August 10, 2007
Dear Tommy, I want you to know that I will miss YOU terribly. I am glad a part of you will live on through memories and music.
I am happier and richer since I got to know you. I loved all the concerts I attended and the two times I went with you on tours to Ireland. You were a real gentleman which impressed me.
Frances Mills
Frances Mills (Richmond Heights, OH)
August 10, 2007
How our family loved Tommy! Frank and I saw him countless times and often took some of our five children. Frank died 4 years ago but my daughter and I went to the wake Tuesday.What a beautiful tri-bute to a beautiful man!
Virginia K. Sullivan (Concord, NH)
August 10, 2007
You will be missed....you were the best !! Rest well !!
Anonymous (New York City)
August 10, 2007
To the Makem family, please accept our heartfelt sympathy on the loss of a father,an uncle, a teacher, and an inspiration to all who met him as well as those of us who enjoyed his music. He will be sadly missed but he will forever be remembered.
Ed and Lynn Higgins
Cape Breton
Nova Scotia
Ed Higgins (Glace Bay, NS)
August 10, 2007
My sencere condolences to Katie,Shane,Conor and Rory at this time, I witnessed first hand the respect and love you had for this great man,so I know your loss is enormus.
I will miss the long breakfast's and the many many story's that made the days go so fast.
Tommy, May God be with you.
Peter Clarke
Clarke Peter (Dublin)
Tommy Makem
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August 15, 2007
God Bless you lad, from the first time I heard you in the early 60's to last year at the Milwaukee Irish Fest you could always bring me to tears and smiles when you sang. Turning my son Conor on to you Tommy is one of the highlights of my life. You'll be missed!
Patrick Murphy (Madison, WI)
August 15, 2007
My deepest sympathy goes to the Makem family.Tommy was a wonderful musician, singer and entertainer. His passing is a loss to the world.
Nancy Kunce (Brockton, MA)
August 14, 2007
I was introduced to the music of
Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers in 1965 while visiting Northern Ireland. They have been great "friends" over the years and I never get tired of playing their music. My condolences to Tommy's family and I'm sure he's already regaling them in heaven with his songs and stories!!
Martyn Smith (Delta, BC)
August 14, 2007
I recently saw one of Mr. Makem's videos on Ireland and just began learning of his work. He did beautiful work and must have been the same inside his heart. His family has my deepest sympathy. My paternal grandmother Nancy Jane Kelly, who died in 1884, 53 years before I was born, gave me my Irish roots. My heart yearns to see Ireland some day, but Mr. Makem's videos may have to suffice. May God bless all his family and friends.
Ruby Ingram (Elizabethtown, KY)
August 14, 2007
My deepest condonlences to the Makem family on Tommy's passing. I will always cherish the memories of his music and having met him at the Winnipeg Folk Festival.
Mildred Speer (Winnipeg, MB)
August 13, 2007
I wish to offer my condolences to the family and friends of Tommy Makem. His voice was a blessing to us all! I can still recall the time my mother passed on, I was wandering around the house in the middle of the night, sad and angry; and then I turned to a Tommy Makem song, "Sing Me the Old Songs," I listened again, again and again and all the tears came out. He could always capture us with the spirit of his music and the power of his words. Many prayers to all!
John Niemet (Villa Park, IL)
August 13, 2007
Having had the great good fortune to hear Tommy in person and to shake his hand, I now will mourn his passing. He was the Godfather of Irish Soul. He will be missed.
Merrill Bloor (Shelby, OH)
August 13, 2007
Tommy, Because of you and your work with the Clancy's I have spent the past thirty years singing Irish music in America. The best part about it was that for 25 of those years, I was with me da.
You live forever in your art.
John Bohannon
John Bohannon (Media, PA)
August 13, 2007
Well done good and faithful servant.You have served God and His people well.Your works,songs, wit,and voice will continue to bring us joy and happiness. Thank you.
Bob Degnan (West Chester, PA)
August 12, 2007
Not only did Tommy Makem give us song, spirit and soul, he also gave his time and talent to SO MANY charitable groups like Child & Family Svcs. Tommy also taught us that it was important for us to remember where we came from and was involved in having folks like Bernadette Devlin come from Ireland to speak at an event in Dover. We will miss his kindness and ability to make us all laugh.
As we step into the days and months to come, we will carry the Makem family in our hearts and prayers as they journey on without their Dad.
May Tommy rest in peace and rise in glory.
With sympathy,
Jane Sweeney Beecher & family (York, ME)
Guest Book for
Tommy Makem
Page 3 of 39
August 12, 2007
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. The thoughts of many are with you at this time of sorrow. Beryl and I enjoyed his music, songs and stories at Stan Fest in Canso a few years ago, We were sadly informed he would not make it this year as scheduled, He will be greatly missed, R &B Tyrrell
Russell Tyrrell (Arichat, Cape Breton, NS)
August 12, 2007
August 12, 2007
I made a pathway for ya today. You have made memories for me so now I will make them for you. No ripples...Just bloody good cries. Gordon/Conleys
Kate Conley (South Portland, ME)
Guest Book for
Tommy Makem
Page 2 of 39
August 15, 2007
God Bless you lad, from the first time I heard you in the early 60's to last year at the Milwaukee Irish Fest you could always bring me to tears and smiles when you sang. Turning my son Conor on to you Tommy is one of the highlights of my life. You'll be missed!
Patrick Murphy (Madison, WI)
August 15, 2007
My deepest sympathy goes to the Makem family.Tommy was a wonderful musician, singer and entertainer. His passing is a loss to the world.
Nancy Kunce (Brockton, MA)
August 14, 2007
I was introduced to the music of
Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers in 1965 while visiting Northern Ireland. They have been great "friends" over the years and I never get tired of playing their music. My condolences to Tommy's family and I'm sure he's already regaling them in heaven with his songs and stories!!
Martyn Smith (Delta, BC)
August 14, 2007
I recently saw one of Mr. Makem's videos on Ireland and just began learning of his work. He did beautiful work and must have been the same inside his heart. His family has my deepest sympathy. My paternal grandmother Nancy Jane Kelly, who died in 1884, 53 years before I was born, gave me my Irish roots. My heart yearns to see Ireland some day, but Mr. Makem's videos may have to suffice. May God bless all his family and friends.
Ruby Ingram (Elizabethtown, KY)
August 14, 2007
My deepest condonlences to the Makem family on Tommy's passing. I will always cherish the memories of his music and having met him at the Winnipeg Folk Festival.
Mildred Speer (Winnipeg, MB)
August 13, 2007
I wish to offer my condolences to the family and friends of Tommy Makem. His voice was a blessing to us all! I can still recall the time my mother passed on, I was wandering around the house in the middle of the night, sad and angry; and then I turned to a Tommy Makem song, "Sing Me the Old Songs," I listened again, again and again and all the tears came out. He could always capture us with the spirit of his music and the power of his words. Many prayers to all!
John Niemet (Villa Park, IL)
August 13, 2007
Having had the great good fortune to hear Tommy in person and to shake his hand, I now will mourn his passing. He was the Godfather of Irish Soul. He will be missed.
Merrill Bloor (Shelby, OH)
August 13, 2007
Tommy, Because of you and your work with the Clancy's I have spent the past thirty years singing Irish music in America. The best part about it was that for 25 of those years, I was with me da.
You live forever in your art.
John Bohannon
John Bohannon (Media, PA)
August 13, 2007
Well done good and faithful servant.You have served God and His people well.Your works,songs, wit,and voice will continue to bring us joy and happiness. Thank you.
Bob Degnan (West Chester, PA)
Guest Book for
Tommy Makem
Page 1 of 39
August 18, 2007
I got hold of the clancy reunion concert video while in ireland and ive been a big fan ever since please listion to The coast of malabar by tommy What a song what a voice god bless you and thanks for all the years of tommy makem and the clancy des
August 18, 2007
I'll miss Tommy Makem, though I never met him. I've been a fan of his music and his humor for years, as have millions of other people. He inspired me to learn to play the banjo and the tin whistle... the man was a veritable tin whistle ninja. I cried the first time I heard him sing Four Green Fields... still get a little teary.
Being a sailor, I have to imagine that he's there, in Fiddler's Green, next to a warm fire and making music.
Tommy... you will never be forgotten in MY household.
Jim Corn (Alexandria, VA)
August 18, 2007
Katie, I'm so sorry, You and your brothers are in my thoughts and prayers. Thinking of you Katie !! Your father was a truely wonderful man. My mom and dad send their prayers
Kim Casey (Dover, NH)
August 17, 2007
Not quite sure if words will do it here...No, they definitely will not, but here goes...First found Tommy & the Clancys' first album in my father's bureau drawer back in 1968 during bad times; snuck it OUT of the drawer, played it, and thus began a lifelong love of their music: Thank you Tommy, for all of the life and passion - some of which I do believe has helped me along my own particular journey. God-in-heaven your kids must be proud of you....
Colin Kiernan (Syracuse, NY)
August 17, 2007
Rest in Peace Tommy Makem. Slan agus beannacht leat.
john poppert (Delaware county, PA)
August 17, 2007
The first time I heard Tommy Makem sing was when I was 14 in Sydney Nova Scotia, The last time was a few months ago in Glace Bay Nova Scotia I am now 57. Thank you Tommy for 43 years of listening to your magnificant voice. My condolences to the family of Tommy, I have played his albums so often they are almost worn out.
Ron Mac Donald (New Victoria Cape Breton, NS)
August 16, 2007
Hi Katie,
Sorry to hear about your dad. I was unable to make it to the wake as I was on vacation. If you or your family need anything I am just a phone call away. I will always remember spending my 16th birthday in Ireland with your mom, dad, brothers and you. Rememer the night we both had to eat fish!!! I had a great time. Your dad was a special person. Take care and lets plan on getting together in the near future. My parents send their sympathy also.
Karen Hebert(Bisson) (Dover, NH)
August 16, 2007
May your hearts soon be filled with wonderful memories of joyful times together as you celebrate a life well-lived.
kathleen drohan (toronto)
August 16, 2007
Cambridge Folk Festival UK -early 60's - always remembered.
Mike Callaghan (Jeddah Saudi Arabia)
August 16, 2007
We had seen Tommy often at his Irish Pavillion in Mnahattan, as well as at places in New Jersey. When our dayghter Anne died, we had Tommy's song, "Gentle Annie" sung at her funeral. I wrote a letter to tommy telling him of this and received a beautiful letter form Mrs. Makem. She told us that Tommy had in mind his aunt Annie. My fathee was from County Louth and when we took him to the Pavillion, Tommy sang "Farewell to Carlingford, goodbye to Greenore", which was my father's hometown.His passing made me0 real1ize how much we in our family truly loved him. Our loss is heaven's gain.
Charles Carroll (Little Falls, NJ)
1 comment:
I know this is years later but I just found this guest book. Tommy, I had the great honor and pleasure to meet you and the Clancys backstage at a concert at the University of Notre Dame (of all places) on St. Patrick;s Day (of all days). Needless to say it was a TRIUMPH! You brought real Irish to the Fightin' Irish and they ate it up. Godspeed brother.
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